single shaft shredder machinery
post time : 2015-06-24  |  view : 1,978 views  |  font size adjust : 16px   14px   12px

Single shaft plastic shredder character:

  1. This machine is suitable to treat the big size of plastic product ,such as big diameter plastic pipe ,pressing plastic film and others
  2. The blade base and blade on the rotary roller can be disassembly .it is easy to clean and maintenance.
  3. The rotary blade adopt the “V” design, It can decrease the noise and decrease energy consumption.
  4. Each rotary blade with 4 cutting knife edge, when the rotary blade is wear, it can be rotated to 90 degree, then the blade can continues use.
  5. Each fixed blade with 2 cutting knife edge, when the fixed blade is wear, it can be rotated to 180 degree, then the blade can continues use.
  6. The main axis is drive by gearbox, its running very stably, low noise and strong power.
  7. The material push feeding system is hydraulic ways , ,its running very stably.

The machine is controled by PLC system ,.the blade can rotated in opposite direction ,and also can close automatic if something unexpected happen , with very high safety service
Single shaft plastic shredder with its parameter

Model Main motor power(k\w) Pushing power(k\w) Qty of rotary blade Qty of fixed blade Diameter of rotator Rotating speed (r/min) Capacity (kg/h) Dimension
Weight (kg)
SNC1-800 30or37 2.2 38 2 φ400 85 500-800 2700*1700*2350 3200

Note that: the size of treated plastic material depend on the size of screen exchange mesh, the diameter of screen exchanged mesh from φ20 to φ100mm ,Material of blade: SKD-11

shredder machinery

shredder machinery

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