PVC LVT floor making machine
post time : 2019-11-08  |  view : 990,482 views  |  font size adjust : 16px   14px   12px

Xinda Precision Machinery Company has focused on plastic machinery over 21 years with rich experience and strong technology . the PVC LVT floor making machine is one of our advantage machinery , top quality and the turn-key service including installation , test running and training workers in your local factory . we are your trustworthy partner !

we develop the PVC LVT floor production line with latest technology , it can production 2-layer , 3-layer , 4-layer PVC soft floor . it can adopt the recycled raw materials to produce the wonderful PVC floor , low production cost , but good products .

it adopt the single screw extruder , equip with the SIEMENS motor , ABB frequency converter , SCHNEDER electric . we contiune to improve the design according to the customer’s feedback . the design is reasonable and easy for operation and long-term service life , no noise , no polution , environmet-friendly machine .

PVC floor machine

PVC floor machine

PVC floor production line
PVC floor production line
Vinyl LVT floor making machine
Vinyl LVT floor making machine
PVC LVT floor production line
PVC LVT floor production line

PVC LVT floor machine

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