PVC corner angle guard line making machine
post time : 2019-03-12  |  view : 5,106 views  |  font size adjust : 16px   14px   12px

Xinda Precision Machinery company has focused on plastic machinery over 21 years with rich experience and strong technology .the PVC corner angle guard profile making machine , top quality and the turn-key service including installation , test running and training workers in your local factory . we are your trustworthy partner !

we special develope the PVC corner angle strip production line , it can produce different shape at customer’s demands , effective production with 4-output .

PVC angle staff making machine

PVC angle staff making machine

PVC corner guard line making machine

PVC corner guard line making machine

PVC angle staff production line

PVC angle staff production line

PVC corner protection strip making machine

PVC corner protection strip making machine

PVC corner angle profile making machine

PVC corner angle line making machine test running video

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