Xinda precision machinery company has 20 years experience on the PVC ceiling making machine with strong technology support ,our machinery has exported to over 25 countries , like Italy , Poland , Turkey , Iran , Vietnam , UAE , Africa , Germany , America , etc. according to the customers’ feedback and market demands , we continue to perfect the design and quality.

we supply the turn-key service include installation , testing run and training workers in your local factory . We are your trustworthy partner ! And we believe that our cooperation will benefit both of us . please contact us to get more information . Mr John Yu , Tel: +86 (0) 13301561523 ; Email : .

The PVC ceiling panel making machine equip with the SJSZ51/105 conical twin screw extruder , converter control system , OMRON temperature control unit , it has wide control range , accuracy temperature control and easy to operate , the auxiliary equipments consist of vacuum calibration mould & platform, hauling off machine, hot stamping machine or laminating machine , cutting machine, stack machine ,etc.

The PVC ceiling panel production line equip with the PLC control system , easy operate and accuracy control system , for the new investor customers , would supply the complete turn-key service , such as the capital budgets , workshop design , raw material supply and technology training . also after the production line run smoothly , we also supply the long-term technology support .

PVC ceiling panel is wide used in the house decoration , office decoration , kitchen room , washing room decoration , it’s environment-friendly raw materials and can be recycled use , it’s has wide market prospect .

PVC ceiling panel making machine

PVC ceiling panel making machinePVC ceiling panel making machine

PVC ceiling panel making machine

PVC ceiling panel making machine

PVC ceiling panel production line

PVC ceiling printing line

PVC ceiling making machine

PVC ceiling board production line

PVC ceiling panel making machine

PVC ceiling panel production line

John Yu

Xinda plastic macinery Co., Ltd. has dedicated on the plastic machinery over 20 years with rich experience and strong technology support , we supply the quality machinery : PVC foam board production line , PVC marble sheet production line , PVC WPC profile production line , plastic pipe production line , edge banding machinery , etc .

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Published by
John Yu
Tags: Chaîne de production de panneau de plafond de PVCChina PVC ceiling board machine factoryChina PVC ceiling machine factoryChina PVC ceiling panel machine factoryChina PVC decoration wall board machine factoryChina PVC decoration wall panel machine factoryChina PVC panel machine factoryChina PVC plafon paneel masjien vervaardigerChina PVC wall board machine factoryChina PVC wall panel machine factoryDây chuyền sản xuất tấm trần PVCExtrudeuse de panneau de plafond en PVCFabricant de machine de panneau de plafond de la ChineFournisseur de machine de panneau de plafond de PVCLigne d'extrusion de panneau de plafond en PVCLigne de panneau de plafond de PVCMachine de panneau de plafond de PVCmashina narxlariMáy làm tấm trần PVCMáy đùn tấm trần PVCNhà cung cấp máy tấm trần PVCPanneau de plafond en PVC faisant la machinePanneau de plafond en PVC faisant le prix de la machinePVC ceiling board extruderPVC ceiling board extrusion linePVC ceiling board linePVC ceiling board machinePVC ceiling board machine supplierPVC ceiling board making machinePVC ceiling board making machine pricePVC ceiling board production linePVC ceiling extruderPVC ceiling extrusion linePVC ceiling linePVC ceiling machinePVC ceiling machine supplierPVC ceiling making machinePVC ceiling making machine pricePVC ceiling panel extruderPVC ceiling panel extrusion linePVC ceiling panel linePVC ceiling panel machinePVC ceiling panel machine supplierPVC ceiling panel making machinePVC ceiling panel making machine pricePVC ceiling panel production linePVC ceiling production linePVC decoration wall board extruderPVC decoration wall board extrusion linePVC decoration wall board linePVC decoration wall board machinePVC decoration wall board machine supplierPVC decoration wall board making machinePVC decoration wall board making machine pricePVC decoration wall board production linePVC decoration wall panel extruderPVC decoration wall panel extrusion linePVC decoration wall panel linePVC decoration wall panel machinePVC decoration wall panel machine supplierPVC decoration wall panel making machinePVC decoration wall panel making machine pricePVC decoration wall panel production linePVC panel extruderPVC panel extrusion linePVC panel linePVC panel machinePVC panel machine supplierPVC panel making machinePVC panel making machine pricePVC panel production linePVC plafon paneel extruderPVC plafon paneel extrusie lynPVC plafon paneel lynPVC plafon paneel maak masjienPVC plafon paneel maak masjien prysPVC plafon paneel masjienPVC plafon paneel masjien verskafferPVC plafon paneel produksie lynPVC ship paneliPVC ship paneli ekstruderPVC ship paneli ekstrüzyon liniyasiPVC ship paneli ishlab chiqarish liniyasiPVC ship paneli liniyasiPVC ship paneli mashinasiPVC ship paneli qilish mashinasiPVC ship paneli yetkazib beruvchiPVC wall board extruderPVC wall board extrusion linePVC wall board linePVC wall board machinePVC wall board machine supplierPVC wall board making machinePVC wall board making machine pricePVC wall board production linePVC wall panel extruderPVC wall panel extrusion linePVC wall panel linePVC wall panel machinePVC wall panel machine supplierPVC wall panel making machinePVC wall panel making machine pricePVC wall panel production lineTấm trần nhựa PVC làm giá máyTấm trần PVC dòngTấm trần PVC máyTấm đùn trần PVCTrung Quốc sản xuất máy tấm trần PVCXitoy PVC ship paneli mashinasi ishlab chiqaruvchiКітай ПВХ столь панэлі вытворца машынаКитай производитель потолочных панелей из ПВХЛиния по производству потолочных панелей из ПВХЛиния потолочных панелей из ПВХЛиния экструзии потолочных панелей из ПВХМашина для потолочных панелей из ПВХМашина для производства потолочных панелей из ПВХПВХ пастаўшчык машыны потолочной панэліПВХ столь панэлі вытворчай лінііПВХ столь панэлі лінііПВХ столь панэлі машыныПВХ столь панэлі рашэнняў цана машыныПВХ столь панэлі робячы машынуПВХ столь панэлі экстрударПВХ столь панэлі экструзійнага лінііПВХ төбе панелі экструдерыПВХ төбе панелінің машиналық бағасыПВХ төбе панелінің экструзиялық желісіПВХ төбе панелінің өндірістік желісіПВХ төбе панель желісіПВХ төбе панельді дайындау машинасыПВХ төбе панельді жабдықтаушыПВХ төбе панельді машинасыПоставщик станков для потолочных панелей из ПВХЦена машины для изготовления потолочных панелей из ПВХЭкструдер потолочной панели из ПВХҚытайдағы ПВХ төбелік панельді өндірушісіآلة لوحة السقف البلاستيكية ،الصين بولي كلوريد الفينيل لوحة السقف آلة الصانعاکسترودر پانل سقف کاذببولي كلوريد الفينيل لوحة السقف الطاردبولي كلوريد الفينيل لوحة السقف المورد آلةبولي كلوريد الفينيل لوحة السقف جعل سعر الجهازتامین کننده پانل سقف پنل ماشینخط إنتاج لوحة السقف البلاستيكيةخط بثق لوحة السقف البلاستيكيةخط لوحة السقف البلاستيكيةخط پانل ساندویچ پانل اکستروژنخط پنل سقف پانللوحة السقف البلاستيكية ماكينةپنل سقف پانل خط تولیدپنل سقف پانل ساخت قیمت ماشینپنل سقف پانل ساخت ماشینپنل سقف پانل ماشینچین پنل سقف پانل تولید کننده ماشین